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Mobile Marketing

Does your online marketing reach customers on their most-used device – their mobile phones?

Mobile Marketing

Great! You've already discovered the benefits of mobile phone marketing, but could you be doing more? Let ActiveMedia show you the most innovative ways to connect with customers on their phones.

Mobile Marketing

It's never too late to start! There's a variety of mobile phone marketing options available. We can help you select the best channels for your business's unique needs, getting you the most out of your investment.

Mobile Marketing

Not sure whether you're doing mobile phone marketing "right"? Get in touch. We'll assess your current efforts and help you understand all of the different options available to your business.


How can mobile phone marketing help your business?

This powerful channel allows you to reach people around the world through a variety of mobile advertising options. Every day, more and more people are using mobile phones as their primary means of accessing the Internet, and there's a good chance that your target customers are using their phones right at this moment. ActiveMedia can harness this powerful marketing medium to help your business flourish.

Reach your customers on their phones with an innovative mobile phone marketing campaign from ActiveMedia.

Why Do I Need Mobile Phone Marketing?

Today, 89% of adults in the US own a basic cell phone, and 64% of them own a smartphone. Mobile phone usage is increasing rapidly throughout the rest of the world, too. If your business isn't leveraging this massive global marketing opportunity, you're missing out on a gold mine of potential leads and customers. ActiveMedia offers mobile phone marketing and advertising services that let you reach your customers on their phones through a variety of mediums, from mobile web marketing to app store optimization.

How Does Mobile Phone Marketing Compare to Other Marketing Channels?

This type of online marketing is vastly different from other marketing channels, both in scope and in practice. For starters, you have access to many different offerings (please see below for a comprehensive list.) This means you can pick and choose the services that best fit your business's goals. Traditional techniques like SMS marketing remain highly effective, but you also have the option to test new and innovative methods, like push notifications, QR codes, and in-game mobile marketing. 

What Results Should I Expect?

Reaching people on their phones is a personal (and even somewhat intimate) process that requires technical knowledge and finesse. If you're looking to implement a successful mobile phone marketing campaign you'll need help from an experienced company who knows what works, what doesn't, and what's newly available. ActiveMedia's targeted and effective services put your company's offerings in front of the people who are most likely to buy.

44% of consumers say that they would like brands to deliver deals and coupons to their mobile devices.
(Millward Brown)

9 out of 10 mobile searches lead to action. More than 50% lead to sales.

The most popular forms of mobile marketing are mobile websites and mobile applications.
(StrongMail, Mobile Marketing Survey 2013)

Our Mobile Phone Marketing Offerings

Mobile Web Marketing

As more people around the world use their smartphones to browse the Internet, mobile web marketing's usefulness increases. We know what ad formats convert best and which mobile websites within your niche get the most traffic. Let us implement an effective advertising campaign that places your business's ads on websites that are specifically optimized for mobile viewing. 

SMS Marketing

Text messaging is an effective way to communicate with your customers, no matter where they are or what they're doing. The data speaks for itself: brands that successfully use SMS reach 95% percent of smartphone and non-smartphone users. Plus, 90% of people read a text message within 3 minutes after it's sent. We can set up an SMS marketing system that alerts customers about promotions, notifies users about new product or service features, sends appointment and reservations reminders, and so much more.  

Push Notifications

Most people who download an app will enable push notifications, and these notifications let you display messages at the top of a user's screen. Push notifications are a simple and effective tool that you can use in combination with application development to communicate with smartphone users. As an added bonus, once an app is developed the maintenance fees for this highly effective form of mobile marketing are practically zero. 

App Store Optimization

Getting your app noticed can be a tough process, but it's impossible to deny how useful this growing form of mobile marketing can be. App-based marketing allows for direct engagement with your target audience and ultimately drives profits. There's endless competition in the app stores, though, so we'll help users find your app by increasing visibility with your ideal customers. 

In-Game Mobile Marketing

In-game mobile marketing gives businesses like yours the ability to pay to have their ads featured in digital games. After evaluating your business goals we'll create captivating in-game ads that link to dedicated landing pages. From there, we track web traffic, the number of transactions completed, and other insightful data to analyze the success of your campaign. 

QR Codes

Quick response (QR) codes help businesses bridge the gap between print and online advertising. How? When a customer uses their phone's camera to scan one of these physical 2D images, any number of actions can be triggered. The most popular option takes users to a mobile landing page, which can contain far more information than a typical poster or brochure. QR codes can also be used to view special offers, send text messages and emails, download contact details, and more. We'd be happy to utilize QR codes as part of your business's mobile marketing strategy. 

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